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News: POSTPRINTs published

The Woodworking Tools & Techniques – Past present & Future symposium postprints are now available for downloading under About > Symposum archive.


malmstens alumni - who we are?

Malmstens Alumni is a nonprofit association started in 2019 on the initiative of Ulf Brunne, master cabinetmaker, furniture conservator and former Head of Department at Malmstens Linköpings University. As a freestanding association Malmstens Alumni aims to bring together a diverse group of professionals with the common denominators Malmstens and wood, including cabinetmakers, upholsterers, conservators, luthiers/guitar builders and designers.

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As a wood craft artisans node and alumni cluster our goal is to strengthen the alumni network both nationally and internationally, promoting life long learning and creating inclusive further education opportunities. We aim to inspire professional networking and collaboration between all the Malmstens alumni to lay ground for creative teamwork within the field of furniture studies. By organising workshops, masterclasses, seminaries and symposiums in fine cabinetmaking, furniture conservation, furniture design and uppholstery, Malmstens Alumni aims to encourage research in the field of wood, furniture history, materials, techniques and design to enhance the status of handcraft in the meta-modern society.


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Non profit organisation, wood craft artisans node & alumni network.


Malmstens Linköpings univeristet

Our main partner in organizing workshops, summerclasses, masterclasses and symposiums to further the research about wood and encourage life long studies.

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Our collaboration partner in organizing symposiums and creating learning opportunities for professionals.




As a alumni network we are spread in different corners of Scandinavia and the world wider. Our common denominator is Malmstens and wood, therefore, Malmstens Linköpings University, the Alma Mater for many of us, is ofsten the meeting place for the Stockholm working group.
